Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Doing what the boss wants

I have a lot of idea's, I mean a helluva lot of idea's.
This unfortunately leads me to the thing I find hardest about spiritual life, to quote the great Mick Jagger " you can't always get want you want".
Some times the idea's I have don't fit with what the boss wants.
The whole process of Bhakti (the art of love and devotion) is that you have no other desire but to please Krishna and the way in which you please krishna is by humbly serving.
which basically means sometimes I can't do what I want but have to do what others want. My independent nature wails in disgust at this thought, the inner rebel wants to cut loose like the proverbial bull in a china shop. just like learning to do anything we have to be submissive, so it is in spiritual life. If I want to learn how to love Krishna then I must surrender to the guidance of people who do.
Yes you can't always get what you want, "but sometimes, you might find, you get what you need" good old Mick

Sunday, 20 December 2009


So it appears the Copenhagen summit was a waste of time. Except for the people who made £129 billion last year from the sale of carbon credits (CER's) who had the trade, made possible by the Kyoto agreement, extended. So it would seem that the trade in carbon was secured by world leaders but not the planet we live on.
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Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The flickering flame

It's 6 am and I have just found myself concentrating on the flames of the candles that sit in front of the pictures of Radha and Krishna on my alter, then I realised why am I not looking at the pictures and praying for their love to enter my heart. The candles seemingly hold more interest, constantly moving and flickering. Just like the mind and it's attraction for material nature constantly changing never steady always disturbed. Unlike the pictures of the Divine couple which like Krishna consciousness offer a steady and permanent source of fascination and happiness.
Let's not be fooled by the flickering flame of material enjoyment.
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Friday, 6 November 2009

Off Chanting

I've got another blog that I'm going to post when I get back from Hungary on Tuesay which is on a rather topical and serious subject. In the meantime I am on a plane flying towards Budapest. About 15 devotee's are coming with me for a weekend of chanting on a self sufficient farm and temple near lake Balaton. The temple on this farm really is beatiful, it feels like stepping into the spiritual world when you walk through the doors. All of the material worries and niggles that may be going through my mind will disapear and once again I will remember what it is to experience Krishna Consciousness on a higher level than normal.
I will try and post some pictures while Ikm over there and will be doing a write up when I'm back.
The downside to the trip is being stuck on easyjet with a load. Of lads off on a stag do for 2 n a half hours. Still it will be worth it
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Sunday, 1 November 2009

jobless masses

I saw an interesting stastistic this morning that the amount paid out in job seekers benifits by the UK goverment (in other words to those on the dole) was more than the goverment recieves from income tax.
This means that the country is running at a loss.
Now this may not seem like a very spiritual thing to be interested in but it shows that are larger portion of the population is actually more interested in taking from the comunity than giving.

The centre of any sucessfull comunity has to be based on what I would call spiritual communism. Or in other words that the population work together for the goal of spiritual enlightenment. This means that a social structure has to put into place that enables everyone to add something to the living needs of the whole and to the masses spiritual development.
When you have a system like in the UK, that is based in getting your sense gratification in the easiest manner and a benifits system that promotes opting out of the social structure and cheating your way to getting money. It is no wonder that simple comunity based living that resonates with mutual respect, social equality, a high moral compass and a sense of beloning has fast diminshed in Britain.
The Vedic scriptures expertly point the way forward.
The vanasrama system places people in a type of work and social network that suits a persons abilities and temprement at the same time as offering a chance of spiritual realization from a platform from which they can understand.
There are leaders ( Ksatrya's) who's post is to govern with a high moral standard, protect the comunity and sispense punishment for crime. They take guidence from the self realized (brahmins) who live simple, God centered lives and have nothing to do with material wealth or possesions (so they may always remain impartial and therefore not open to bribes and favouritism). They both give guidence to the buisiness men (vaisha's) who employ the working class (sudra's) and provide for the needs of the whole comunity.

Could this system work? YES>
will it work in the current democratic atmosphere? NO>
unfortunately the votes lie with the general population and the overwhelming portion of those are, as seen in the above statistic, happy on the 'rock n roll' . Would they vote for a system that would mean they have to contribute?????

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Glorifying A Saintly Person

Today is the remembrance Day of the founder of the Hare Krishna movement, His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami. He left this world on this day 1977.
In our process of devotion days like today are used to celebrate Saintly people and what they have given us.
I am finding this very hard to write because to remember what an amazing personality Prabhupada is, is also to realize that He is no longer physically with us. And that is upsetting.

Prabhupada did what no other person had done before. He has given the science of Krishna Consciousness to the world. He left home at an elderly age with no possessions, travelled from India on a steam ship suffering 2 heart attacks along the way to "give us what we have forgotten"
Without Srila Prabhupada I would not know who God is, I would be lost still trying to gain happiness from my limited senses, I would have nothing. So today I will try my best to do what would please Prabhupada, to some how try and repay a small amount of the debt which I owe Him for what He has given me.

There is a video below about Srila Prabhupada and a list of links below that I urge any reader to please go to and find out a little more about the glorious person that Srila Prabhupada was and how He touched so many lives with God Consciousness.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

A Touchy Subject

I've been away for a while. I don't know why but nothing has really been inspiring me enough to write recently. Could be a number of things, but anyway.
What has got me going again could be a bit of a touchy subject. I'm not even sure of my own feelings on it but am going to say something more just to start a debate.

This week a Doctor in the UK has been sentenced to 48 ( I think ) years imprisonment for trying to induce an abortion in his lover by slipping certain pills in her drink which would kill the young fetus but not harm his lover. There where many reasons for the long sentence, which I agree with. One was attempted murder.
Now before I carry on I want to say that what this man did was verry very wrong and I think he deserves a heavier sentence.
To convict him of attempted murder though, because his lover was unaware and did not want to abort the baby, to me suggests that whether abortion is murder or not relies on whether a woman consents to the action. So what if a woman has an abortion without the consent of her husband or partner, can he claim that his unborn child has been murdered???

I don't know

I do know that I think all abortion is wrong and I would class it as murder. for sure the above ruling makes the whole issue a bit more complicated than before.
What do you think

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Eradicating Poverty

" The greatest problem in this world is hunger. Not hunger of the stomach but hunger of the heart. All over the world bothe the rich and the poor are suffering. They are lonely, starving for love. Only God's love can satisfy the hunger of the heart. There is no other solution. Feeding the stomachs of the poor is not so difficult, feeding the starving hearts of humanity with God's love - that is the great challenge. You see our hearts must be pure to give that love.
Poverty is not only lack of a piece of clothing, but a lack of human dignity and the beautiful virtue of purity. Poverty is a lack of respect for one another.
When the impoverished of Calcutta die in my arms, I see the light of hope in their eyes. I do not see this light in the eyes of many of the wealthy, powerfull people of the West.
Real wealth is in the hearts of those with faith in the love of God. This world is in desperate need of those who will give the poor hearted this hope."
Mother Theresa of Calcutta
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Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Anatomy of an Attachment

1. My headphones are breaking, the cable slowly getting worn through.
2. Search for a replacement set.
3. Gadget geek in me decides to go online.
4. Decide to look for some wireless headphones (do they even exist?) Geeking out big time
5. Much to my surprise I find some wireless headphones here.
6. Become attached, dammit........
7. Mind informs me that I have to have them.
8. Mind again tells me a day later that I really don't know how I possibly ever conceived of listening to any thing at all with out these headphones. I need them.
9. Cue 3 days of mind fighting with intelligence.
10. They're just headphones for goodness sake!!!!!!!
11. Going cold turkey, need to see them, to touch preciouuusssss.
12. Muhmuhmuh muhmuh, I think I need to chant.
13. I AM A MONK AND WILL NOT GIVE IN TO MY MATERIAL DESIRES (especially not headphones)
14. Maybe Santa will bring me a set for Christmas.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Realization of the day 9

"You're gorgeous, jump in the back here with me" the pretty little blond Irish girl said from the back of the Audi. "Come on I won't tell anyone, I'll make it fun" she continued undeterred by the fact that I was a monk. Then came a flurry of rather obscene suggestions which I dully laughed at and gave my presentation of a Reservoir of Pleasure to her. She took the book as did the other 2 people in the car and they all gave a donation. I said goodbye, she gave her lusty advances one last go and when I declined she waved farewell with a rather bemused look on her face. That had probably never happened to her before.

It's quite funny because before I became a monk these things never happened to me.
13 years ago I would have jumped at the chance, my uncontrolled senses going into overdrive. But now the illusory nature of lust no longer has such a strong hold over me. Due to association with Krishna Consciousness I have come to realize that the enjoyable yet temporary pleasure of sex just isn't as attractive as a good few hours of kirtan (chanting with live music).
Yet the material energy still tries to tempt me away, she knows my mind is fickle so she will never give up. Thankfully I also know my mind is fickle and so does Krishna and that is why I became a monk, to be in a atmosphere that promotes spiritual enjoyment and progression, with like minded people experiencing a higher pleasure. Just like the Irish girl at Creamfields was going to associate with 50,000 other ravers to get what she was looking for, so should we. If we are looking for spiritual happiness we won't get it by association with materialistic people, we have to search out the company of the saintly persons who can give us a higher, more satisfying happiness than anything the material energy (Maya) can offer us. Then in that association we will become spiritually strong, resolute on our path of devotion towards God.

Lastly for today I have to apologize for not posting anything for a few days. I have been having some problems with posting to this blog from my Blackberry, which is the only way that I can when I am not at the Temple. These problems have now been sorted out and I will be leaving Vodafone as soon as I can :)

Friday, 28 August 2009

Realization of the day 8 ??

Laughter really is the best medicine ................ ( After chanting of course)
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Realization of the day

Today was a very windy day and because of this I noticed a wide varity of clouds. Sounds a little Forest Gump I know. But what I find amazing about clouds is the fact that they can hold tons of water yet float in the sky for 100's of miles, truly amazing. Krishna has designed things so perfectly, where is the fault in a cloud. And if this sounds a little hippie-ish, sorry but its late and I've had a very long and tiring day. Off to Oxford tomorrow, always nice.
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Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Realization of the day 6

I know most days I tend to have a very subjective view on life. In other words I tend to see everything and how it relates to me, is this activity, conversation, food etc pleasing to me. Is it what I want. This way we guarantee that we are happy, don't we?
Most of the time I am thinking why people aren't taking my feelings into account when they do things, why aren't they thinking of me. Me, me, me.

Have you noticed that when we have a objective outlook then we tend to be a bit more peaceful.
We understand more where people are coming from and our daily relationships improve.
so next time I get caught up in my own world and how everything relates to me I think I will try harder to put myself in others shoes and be a little less selfish. Then I might actually be able to get that little bit closer to dealing with God (Krishna) in a more personal manner as well.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Realization of the day 5

I don't know if this counts as a blog or a tweet or what ????
Any way it is very hard to pray with any depth of sincerity when you are knackered.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Realization of the day 4

Very late at V festival; its an oldie but a goodie; Never judge a book by it's cover!!!! ( Especially 'Krishna Consciousness ones)
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Thursday, 20 August 2009

Realization of the day 3

Phew late night, just got to Chelmsford in Essex. - was going to try and post this in the van on the way here but it was tooo shakey. Which was a shame as I was stuck on the M25 along with a multitude of other people and I realized that most of the cars around us were very nice. Then I wondered how many of these people in these nice cars do this journey every day. Stuck on the motorway for hours everyday in a vain attempt to make the material situation thay are in better. In fact I would think being on the M25 every day would make me want to give up material life. How many hours must be wasted just sitting in a car going nowhere fast???? Isn't this a tragedy all those hours in a life time that could've been used for spiritual realization gone, never to return. I wonder how much of my precious time I waste???
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Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Realization of the day

Todays is a short one.
Its funny how we think everything around us should run to our plan. How upset do we get when it doesn't?? Funny how karma hits us and we don't have any choice in it at all :)
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Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Prema's Daily Realization's Part 1

Ok so I've actually made the first one of what's going to be a 2 week, daily post. Some of these posts are simply going to be brief thoughts and some more full comments, I can't pretend that they will all be that lucid as some of them will be posted while I'm at V festival, Reading and Creamfields and some just typed as I think. Normally I would spend a little time on what I write but due to the tight schedule that I have given my self....... I guess we'll see.
On with the daily thought/realization/whatever it is.
Today I was speaking with an old friend who was celebrating his 30th birthday, I've know him since he was 17 and have seen him go through many changes in his life. He's one of these people who have never settled but keep coming back to the same place. In other words he hasn't realized what it is that he wants out of life. Now he's 30 and is starting to worry, he's realizing that he's getting older that he is no longer a young man, times passing and he still "hasn't figured it out".
This I thought is the same for all of us no matter what age we are. If we look around ourselves we can see such a diversity of people all trying to make statements about who we are and what we are about, by the clothes we wear, the music we like, the films we watch, teams we support etc etc. Aren't we all searching for that elusive feeling of lasting peace and happiness, isn't this the real reason that we put labels on ourselves, so that we can finally fit in with someone, be able to relate to some one and have them understand us. Unfortunately no matter how hard we try we are never going to get this from the material world. we can try for lifetimes but we will never feel at home here because as the Bhagavad Gita informs us " we are spirit souls" and the material world is not our home it is not our natural environment. I thought to myself how lucky I am that I have found such a deep path of devotion towards God, then just as quickly I thought I too am getting older am I really taking full advantage of this priceless jewel that is Bhakti (devotional service). I realized that I haven't, I have become far to comfortable in my routine Krishna Consciousness. So I have my friends impending midlife crisis to thank for showing me that life is short and if we really want to make the most of it we have to start right now by making the most of our spiritual nature not our material.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Writers block mmm

This started about 2 weeks ago. I fell out of our van and landed unceremoniously on my backside.
unfortunately I also tore a tendon in my ankle and ripped up some muscle tissue. This left me pretty much doing nothing for about a week. Great I thought, now I have loads of time for so many things including putting some needed attention into this blog. This didn't happen. I read a lot and chanted a lot but when it came down to writing nothing was there. I began to think about what I could write and found everything contrived and lacking in honesty. Days have turned into weeks and I have been thinking more and more about why I have had nothing to say. I have been busy so there should be loads to comment on, but no. Nothing.
This morning I realized why.
I have said before so many times, that spiritual life is based on an internal dialog, not the external activities. This is why I have had nothing to say for nearly a month, because I fell into the very common trap of performing devotion service with a mechanical mentality. Just performing activities externally. It made me realize we always have to be vigilant with our spiritual practices, always be aware of how our consciousness is, how we are praying. Are we really making our relationship with Krishna (God) our priority or has it become just another thing in our life. Do we feel that at the end of each day we have made some progress towards our goal of self realization?
With this in mind I am going to spend the next 2 weeks writing about my daily realizations, you could call it a " how have I become closer to Krishna today" column. I haven't decided yet whether to post it every day or collect daily tweets on the subject and post those weekly. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Rain, rain and more rain

It rains a lot here in Swansea. For many years Swansea was the wettest recorded place in Europe, there's something to be proud of.
For a lot of people the rain is something that they have to put up with whilst on the way to work or when out shopping, few people work in it. Those who do probably don't like it.
The Bhagavad Gita ( an ancient spiritual classic from the Vedic scriptures) States "O son of Kuntī, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed." (BG 2.14)

Easier said than done.

Every day, give or take a few, I go out into a town or a city and try and give people books on Krishna Consciousness. Some of you may have received one from me. When it rains I really don't feel like doing it, I hate the rain. Yes hates a strong word but after years and years of standing out in it I really, really wish it would just stop. (maybe if it could just rain at night)
I do have to think of the above verse every time the rain falls, this is after all the material world and no matter where I go there will be some kind of disturbance. No material situation is perfect.
Sometimes though when it rains and I just surrender to the situation and think of all the extreme suffering in the world I realize that a little (or a lot in here in Wales) water falling down on me isn't so bad after all. There is the added bonus of course that when it rains it gives me the chance to remember that I should be always willing to serve Krishna no matter what my material situation. Then come rain or shine I will be happy.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

A Monks Life

Pretty much every day some one will ask me "what does a monk do?" I normally just tell them of my daily routine and of my travels. After a recent interview for a playwrite I have decided to change my presentation of a monks life.
What is it that I find so attractive about my lifestyle? It can't be the daily routine that would be rather boring (who likes getting up at 4am every day?) and I do the same thing when I go traveling. No I realized the true existence of a monk, my real life is an internal one. The daily routine is there to serve my deepening internal relationship with God (Krishna).
So to ask a monk what he does, is asking him not about his external activities, but in fact to be asking him a very deep and personal question about his prayers, his devotional sentiments and internal struggles, about his personal realization of his love for Krishna and how that relationship is manifest in his life.
So, what does a monk do????
I find my day is formed by my morning prayer (Japa Meditation). I have recently been reviewing the way in which I offer my prayers, trying to go deeper, with more of a sense of truthfulness behind my plea's to God. A book, The Confidential Secrets of Chanting the Holy Name in Perfection, by Sacinandana Swami has helped greatly. It has been revealing to my stone like heart how to actually call out for Krishna's grace, His love. Now I am a long way off being a perfect chanter, but I am noticing the difference a little attention to the mood and effort put into our prayers can make to the rest of the day. This attentive prayer helps my consciousness be less and less about material needs and desires but more and more about exploring and experiencing a blossoming relationship with God and His devotees.
This is the essence of my daily existence, a day by day activity that sees me trying to get that little bit closer to being free from material bondage and a step nearer knowing who I really am,
as an eternal, spiritual being in loving servitude to Krishna.


First of all let me apologise for not posting anything for a couple of weeks, I've been caught up in going to festivals and other trips all of which fit into this post.

You may have seen a recent news item about a man walking around a town in America, naked, claiming he was a terminator from the future. This got me thinking about the power of association.

This man had immersed himself so much in the world of the terminator films that after seeing the latest take on the genre, he had managed to become convinced that he was in fact a terminator.

Most people at the music festivals I've been going to wholeheartedly take on board the mentality ( and dress ) of the bands that they want to see, even if it is just for the weekend.

I didn't notice how much being at these festivals had effected my own state of consciousness until I went straight from Glastonbury to a European convention of fellow Hare Krishna Monks. It became obvious to me when in the serene company of spiritually advanced persons that the 2 weeks of selling books in the company of festival goers had left me a little course and rough around the edges. How quickly I had changed due to association ( and how quickly I felt myself spiritually enlivened again in the company of these saints (Sadhus)) .

Truly what we associate with effects us, without a doubt.

All this should bring up the question .... what kind of person do I want to be?

So what what kind of person do you want to be? and what are you doing about it?

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Glastonbury 2009

Ooh boy here we go again. Glastonbury is the king of festivals. 180,000 - 200,000 people every year. Having been for the past 11 years (bar 1) I can safely say with hand on my heart that I really do not see the attraction?? Right from the start as people lug their things for the week to the campsite, through the weekend, up until when they drag their possessions back up the hill (lucky if it's not a mud bath) to the car park, people look more like they are suffering than having a good time. However for me it really is nectar. As much as I don't look forward to this festival (my mind screams) when I am there the opportunities that arise for talking about self realization and the search for God (Krishna) seem unlimited. I meet some very nice people who are genuinely interested in a spiritual path and who I often see weeks after the festival to discus the books that I gave them and their experiences of the festival. Also each year I meet people who remember me from previous years and it now has become an annual reunion for us, I will miss them if they are not there this year.
Whether its sunny or caked in mud the books will fly out and I look forward to meeting up with old friends and making some new ones.
You can follow my exploits on twitter......

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Maya's Promise

Most music festivals are an intense representation of what material life has to offer in terms of extreme sense gratification. Everything is heightened people really let loose.
The question, is this really all material energy has to offer me comes to the front of my mind whist selling books at the Download rock festival at Castle Donington.
There really didn't seem to be an awful lot there to be attracted to.
Sure there is intoxication, fraternal and conjugal experiences to be had as well as music to keep the senses occupied, but nothing to compare with the experience of chanting for a weekend with 100's of devotee's. I was reminded of the proverb of  how a dog who is being beaten thinks it is experiencing pleasure when the beating stops. In fact as the festival wore on even the people that had put all their faith into download where starting to look less and less like they were enjoying themselves and more and more like they were coming to the conclusion that they were in fact suffering.  I began to feel great compassion for these people.
They had  faith in the material energy, saved money for months and worked hard to have their enjoyment at this weekend of metal mayhem, only to have been let down. Dreams and hopes for the festival fading from peoples minds, anxiety and sadness replacing the early glint in the rockers eyes. What hope was there for them????? I concluded, Krishna is their only hope.
As I approached person after person with books on spiritual realization the relief  in some eyes became visible, they also realized that there is another option available to them to escape their material suffering, something that can give inner pleasure without the harsh punishment of Maya (the illusory material energy). They have the chance for experiencing a higher pleasure not limited by weather, money or time but a happiness that is unlimitedly deep in it's profound experiences.
So next time we are quick to believe Maya's promises remember the poor people of download rock festival and how they were being beaten like dogs in the search of some small amount of limited sensory pleasure.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Geeking Out

aaaahhhh never thought it would happen but after a very positive article in Time magazine I have succumbed to Twitter ( look to the bar for the link).

You can now follow my daily tweets if you want to. As I am off to distribute Krishna Conscious books at Download Rock festival this weekend I thought it may be an interesting start. After all a monk at a festival.......look out for the monk rocker (yeah bad joke I know). I will however still be maintaining this blog and posting twice a week as normal.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

To Much Sunshine Part 2

So What is the alternative?? material life lets us down, our senses let us down, what hope do we have of being happy?????
Well the unfortunate thing is (as I'm finding out more and more) that there is no answer while we continue to look to the material for our enjoyment, peace of mind and sense of general well being. The material world just can't supply it no matter how hard we may want it to. If we look at the nature of the material world we can see that everything around us is of a temporary nature. Both the gross and the subtle don't last. It really is staring us in the face, it's that obvious. If we can see this then the real question we have to ask ourselves is do we really want to be free from this material condition of life.
Do we really want to step out of the matrix or are we actually just having a moan because things are not going our way at the moment and when our luck changes will we be more than happy to stay plugged in?


The thing is spiritual life, like anything worth while, is not easy. It requires almost constant effort and dedication so we have to be convinced. In the ancient Vedic scripture, Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna there are four types of people that turn to a spiritual path. Those in distress, those who are in search of material satisfaction, The inquisitive and those in knowledge. Of these 4 krishna says the one who is in knowledge is the best platform from which to start on a quest for enlightenment. In other words if we are convinced that the material world can't bring us real pleasure and that conviction is based on knowledge rather than suffering, desires and a slight curiosity, then we stand the best chance of becoming free from the bondage of materialistic existence.........
What then I hear you ask?????

Friday, 5 June 2009


Before I was a Hare krishna monk I had a few jobs. being a typical student I would work during the summer in factories, long hours, good money but absolutely brain numbing. The motivation was always the money and the fun I would have with it. Whenever things would be hard I would just think of the money, always the money.
Questions are coming into your head.......Where am I going with this, this doesn't follow on from the last one!!! ( no it doesn't but I am seeing the nature of blogging to be one that you have to write about what's on your mind rather than be to contrived.)
I always thought I was pretty surrendered, what ever was asked of me I would do. I have been to some very materially intense places selling Krishna Conscious books and worked very long hours getting projects together. (Be it painting walls in a yoga centre to staking pegs in muddy ground with a storm going off around me for 5 hours) etc etc. Boy was I wrong about being surrendered
Yesterday I had to work in a factory making cheesecakes. I really didn't want to, but I had to and today I have to go back. It's not something I am looking forward to and I realize, thats what surrender is, doing something not because you want to but because it will please some one else. Thats what you do when you want to show your love for someone isn't it?
Now the motivation isn't money it's that somehow it is pleasing to Krishna. And that is pretty much the secret to spiritual consciousness. It's not what you do but the consciousness behind it. Doing something to please Krishna.
So off I will go again this evening with the mood that making these cheesecakes, which will then be offered to krishna (making them karma free, spiritually energized  food known as Prasadam ), to sell all around Europe is pleasing to Krishna. My mind will scream, my body ache and I will carry on, not for money or material benefit but in the hope that my surrender makes God happy, and show Him that even though I rarely show it, I am trying to love Him again.
That, after all is the goal of life.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

To Much Sunshine ????????

It's kinda funny that I still like football. I supported Man Utd since I was 4, struggled through the Ron Atkinson years then became a monk just when things were getting good. Sure I still keep track of what's happening but a worrying thing is happening, after the loss to Barca in the champions league final I wasn't upset. In fact I was pretty non plussed. Some one said there's always next year. Thats the point you win (or lose) then just go and do it again. I remember reading about the amount of athletes after winning gold at the Olympics who felt a huge sense of anti climax, like was all that effort worth it, that's it over. Now do it again.
That's material energies trick, convincing us that we can be satisfied in the material world when whatever pleasure we do get is sooo temporary. Yet we strive for the non permanent, put all of our energy into fleeting pleasures that we are never satisfied with, always wanting more but repeatedly being let down by the trust we put in our material senses to bring us happiness. Time to try some thing different for once................
To be continued
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Monday, 25 May 2009

Ghostbusters Part 2

Conclusion from Sanatana Goswami Prabhu's blog...behold the power of the Holy Names!!!

"Oh no, it's's started!"
The expression on the woman's face changed rapidly as did ours. What we had been expectantly awaiting was now immediately happening. As soon as we crossed the threshold of the apartment our hearts had taken on a new gear, sensing the thick heavy atmosphere. As if to ignite fear within us, two pictures of Christian saints had sprung from the hallway wall and crashed to the floor. Was this a message from our apparently hostile poltergeist suggesting our own immanent destiny? As each devotee individually deepened their soft recital of 
Krishna's names, we confidently ventured forward. Within a second a dining chair in the adjoining kitchen seemingly leaped up and smashed to the ground, sending the woman into a state of hysteria, as she frantically moved from room to room. We had been in the apartment for about ten seconds and had already experienced more than we could have imagined.

Standing in the centre of the main room we all looked at one another for a moment and then spontaneously erupted into 
kirtan, the loud calling of the names of Krishna, themselves feared by fear personified. The leader of the chanting requested we all chant in unison with full voice instead of the usual call and response style we are familiar with. What with the accordion sounding, clay drum booming and countless hand symbols chiming, along with the resounding call of a conchshell being blown, overall the effect was quite tumultuous. Placing all of our breath into the chanting we searched to find the protection promised from these all powerful names of the Supreme. What the neighbours were thinking was far from our thoughts as we absorbed our minds in the pure transcendental vibration;

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

One of our party had brought several sacred 
Narasingha stones called Salagram, and proceeded to bath them with pure water. These transcendental manifestations offer powerful protection as well as removal of inauspicious obstacles on our spiritual path. Spraying the bathing water all around we gradually moved from one room to another ardently chanting the recommended mantra for this age, Hare Krishna.

Noticing that the heavy wooden dining chairs had each begun to vibrate, the woman lay them down under the table, all the while rambling through prayers in a frenzied manner. Her mother tried to console her but had little effect. Just then a wooden drawer from a cupboard in an adjacent room came flying across the ceiling and smashed against the wall just behind the woman, spraying its contents everywhere. We instinctively moved closer to the woman and desperately called out the names. Meanwhile, in the kitchen a devotee was offering the bathing water to drink for protection to the family, when a chair rose one metre from the floor and within a split second zoomed across the room colliding with the boyfriend. Seeing no other means to assist, the devotee practically threw the liquid down the boyfriends throat only then to see the coffee machine also begin its levitation.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

We had been hoping to experience something and this local spook was certainly entertaining us.
Whilst the dining chairs were continuing to vibrate we moved through to the parents bedroom all the while intensifying our chanting of the all purifying names of Krishna. Vedic scripture explains that these names, the Maha-mantra, being completely spiritual, have the unlimited power of God by which the dirt of our hearts can be cleansed. Just as the sun can cleanse urine and waste from the earth by its scorching rays yet remain unpolluted, similarly the names of Krishna can never be contaminated, yet themselves clean even the reservoir of dirt in our consciousness.
As we danced to the sweet sound, the woman along with her Mother and Father was standing in the doorway, nervously chanting to herself. She appeared distant, lost in her racing thoughts. At that moment, seemingly thrust up against the wall, she was pinned by her invisible assaulter. As if held by the throat she was dragged along the wall banging into her parents. Pandemonium arose amongst them as we chased after throwing our weapon of the 
Maha-mantra in an act of rescue. Again she was released, although severely shaken.

We had now been chanting intensely for forty minutes and still the atmosphere seemed thick and heavy with darkness. Although violent events had occurred to the family members, nothing had touched any of us who were taking refuge in the sound incarnation of 
Krishna's names. We all felt completely protected and fearless. With such faith in Krishna names as well as the mood of compassion to help both the family and their uninvited phantom, we courageously danced and span around the home. Gradually we managed to involve the family in dancing and chanting with us which brought unlimited heights of bliss as the father of the family smiled for the first time. Then the atmosphere lightened and everyone felt the overwhelming joy of freedom whilst chanting Hare Krishna. It felt like a wonderful sunrise clearing away the darkness and fog of the evening, whilst simultaneously eradicating fear of thieves and dacoits. Carrying on for another fifteen minutes we all tasted the true happiness of the soul as he reawakens his relationship with his long lost friend, Krishna. With the mood considerably transformed we sat together on the floor and recited the twelfth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in both Sanskrit and Italian, entitled Devotional service. We were refreshing ourselves with knowledge of our pure loving relationship with Krishna, whilst also praying that our poltergeist friend be now fully purified and able again to reawaken his own love.

We cannot be know what has happened to this ghost, although we are sure that immense purification took place not just for him but also the family and ourselves who came as menial servants of the sweet, all-powerful names of 
Krishna. By chanting the Maha-mantra we can purify our existence and fully reawaken our dormant love for Krishna and consequently each other. That love is within us all, even ghosts, but due to absorption in material pursuits we forget our real treasure within.

Since that day there has been no further disturbances in that home. That night was there first peaceful night in nine years. All glories to the unlimited glorious names of 
Krishna and all glories to the pure devotee of those names who has compassionately spread them throughout the entire world, Srila Prabhupada.

What a story!!!!
True? I think so. 
What about you??


Whether you believe this or not its certainly makes for an exciting story:

It is from an Italian hare krishna devotee's blog and is a first hand
account of his experience.

As soon as we entered the apartment we understood we were in for some excitement. We'd heard different stories of how this young woman had been terrorized by a ghost for the last nine years, of how just the other week she had been hospitalized due to a flying chair striking her in the head, and how she was now at the limit of her sanity. We'd been told of knives flying across the room, pictures leaping from the walls and levitating coffee machines. Chairs and other objects independently shaking and smashing into walls was a daily occurrence in this home.

Hey, but ghosts don't exist". Well for many people and cultures they do. Ancient Indian culture explains that a ghost is someone, a soul, who upon dying is not awarded a new physical body, but painfully lingers around in their subtle body made of mind, intelligence and false ego. Such a situation may occur due to a sudden death or extreme negative acts such as suicide, and is a position of suffering as one has a mind full of desires yet no body to enact them. Ghosts often take advantage of weak minded persons or those under intoxication, entering their physical bodies and attempt to enjoy through this borrowed facility. Many people cannot believe what they have done whilst under intoxication or depression, acts they normally would refrain from.

So, such was the situation we found in a quiet village just outside Rome. The woman and her boyfriend had tried everything they knew to free themselves from this terrifying situation. On one occasion they'd lit incense and chanted prayers in order to purify the atmosphere only to find the nearby wardrobe seemingly come to life and violently vibrate, splitting into two equal pieces. Upon moving the ruptured closet they had been horrified to find a swarming mass of bleach-white worms, quite different from the indigenous species, covering the wall and floor.
The woman explained that nine years before she had been the object of attraction for one boy in her school. Repeatedly denying his requests for a relationships, she had found herself cursed by the boy's satanic mother, who was well practiced in the black arts of witchcraft. She was told that she would suffer for the rest of her life for this refusal. That had been nine years before, yet with some incident every evening it already felt like a lifetime. One may ask why they stayed in the same apartment, why not move? Well, theirs was a family home for several generations , and they still lived with her parents. Whilst her mother was very sympathetic to her daughter, the father had been always skeptical. Most of the happenings had been directed only to his daughter, until he also started to experience strange things.

Out of desperation, they had once invited the local Catholic monks to come and assist. The monks explained that they could perform an exorcism on the woman but they couldn't guarantee the ghost would leave the property. "
Anyhow, at least let's do something", they decided, although they were not prepared for what they would witness.
At one point in the ceremony with the woman white like a sheet, trembling and covered with sweat, they beheld countless 3-inch nails shooting from her mouth, followed by a deep ghastly roar clearly not from such a simple lady. Whilst the couple were completely shocked, the monks explained that it was all quite normal in these situations and that the Vatican was full of such incidents.

Seeing no alternative, the boyfriend called upon his parents for help. As they were Vaisnava practitioners, Hare Krishnas, for more than twenty years, they enthusiastically seized the opportunity and organized a troop of devout spiritual followers, we were seven in total. We meditated not only on trying to help the disturbed family but also on helping the ghost who was himself imprisoned in such an agonizing situation. Our strategy would be to perform loud, intense chanting of Krishna's names which purify everything and are feared by fear personified. It is said that all negativity flies away when one chants the holy name of Krishna. This would be a chance to see how much we believed in what we had dedicated our lives to, were we really taking our spiritual life seriously or were we just pretenders.
We were not sure what to expect but we were certain that we wanted to experience something extraordinary. Were we ready for what was to come?

This is a true story from March 2009, the conclusion will come tomorrow.

Radical Politics

Over the past 2 weeks I think I must have started to write then stopped and deleted what I'd done a good 8 times. I don't know why but everything just seemed rubbish, to contrived or just obviously uninspired.
And so it comes to this my 9th attempt. No matter how this sounds its going up.
I've got a radical idea for cleaning up the political system.....Don't pay politicians.
Political corruption isn't new yet its in the spotlight once more. The people we elected abusing their power yet again.
Now this may seem like a strange topic for a monk to getting involved with but I truly believe in my statement above that the people who lead the country should not be paid. In fact it's not even all that radical its based on a ancient system of society called vanasrama dhama.

In the Veda's (ancient texts) a system is presented that suggests that the people who lead society have to be beyond corruption and the only true way to have this is if they live in poverty, free from material desires and objects. If there where no 'perks of the job' how many of these politicians would still do it. So many have quit because they are getting questioned about their actions. They should in fact be impartial, poor and lead a spiritually centred life of simplicity and contemplation, only then can they present what is for the actual good of the people.

This also brings up another question of whether the current system of a democratic society works? After all we vote these people in. At the end of the day we elected people who cheat us then we moan about it. How do we change the system, I have an idea but thats going to stir things up a bit and I'll leave that for another day. 
At least the Vedic system makes sure those who are leading and guiding society are actually doing it for our own good with no material motivation.

Would be interesting.

Now I'm am working on my next post, it will be up in 3 days, I promise :)

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Blogging On The Edge Of Cohesion

What can I say sometimes the will is there but the body just won't let me do it.
'What is he on about?' I hear you say. Well as I sit down to write this the next blog I am faced with the reality that I really need to sleep. I have made over 10 typing mistakes so far and I'm only 3 lines in. I shouldn't really be blogging, who knows what I'll come up with or if it'll make any sense? Blogging on the edge of cohesion.
The body just has too many restrictions sometimes, we want to do something but the material that we have been given just won't let us, most of the time we just make the best use of a bad bargain. How often do we look at our material body and think that? Do David and Victoria Beckham think that they got a bad bargain, or do we? The fact of the matter is that the material body just can't fulfill our desires. Simple case in point, how many people get up and go to the toilet during a movie or do you hold it in for the remainder of the film, suffering whilst trying to enjoy then dashing to the toilet at the end of the feature? A natural function of the body hindering our happiness. As we get older the body wears out we have to spend more and more time maintaining it. We suffer the indignation of our senses not being what they used to be, the eyes grow weaker along with the bladder.... I could go on and on. Needless to say we just have to do the best with what we have, except our karma and focus less on the body and it's limited capabilities and spend more time experiencing things on a deeper less restricted level. The level of spiritual realization, which has no restriction, is unlimited, eternally full of bliss and knowledge (sat-cit-ananda). And when the body won't let us do that? well...on that note I'm off to bed. To recharge my worn down body and mind and hopefully come up with something a little bit more coherent next time.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

The Lake of Death

Here's a nice story from the Mahabharata (an ancient Indian poem). Not to be to morbid but with it being my 34th birthday yesterday I have been thinking about getting older and my own mortality. Then I was reminded of this story highlighting the amazing fact that even though we are surrounded by death daily, we seldom think that our own life is going to end. If we really took this mortal coil seriously surely our spiritual quest would become our prime concern not materialistic sense bombardment.
Enjoy the story and let me know what you think.


Sahdeva searched for any source of water. He reached a lake, which was glittering, in the noon, like a silver bowl. Sahdeva went to the lake to drink and bath and to take some water for his brothers. Before he could enter the lake, a voice was heard. The voice told that he should not touch the water. First he should answer some question. The voice said, I am a Yaksha and this lake belongs to me." Ignoring the Yaksha voice, Sahdeva went at the lake and drank some water. He dropped dead in no time. It was long since Sahdeva had gone in search of water. Worried, Yudhisthira asked Nakula to go in search of Sahdeva and water. Nakula, too reached the lake and found Sahdeva lying dead. He wanted to take some water but the Yaksha repeated his condition. Like Sahdeva, Nakula also ignored the Yaksha and drank from the lake. He too dropped dead. Similar fate awaited Arjuna and Bhima.

Now Yudhisthira himself came to the lake and was shocked to see his brothers lying dead. He asked that who killed his brother. He went towards the lake to fetch some water. The Yaksha said,"Answer my questions first only then drink the water, otherwise you too will die like your brothers." Yudhisthira inquired who he was. The voice said, I am a Yaksha and I own this lake. Your brothers drank its water without my permission. They had to die for this." Yudhisthira said,"kindly show yourself, no Yaksha can kill my brothers." The Yaksha came there. Yudhisthira with folded hand said,"you cannot be a Yaksha. Any Yaksha cannot kill my brother. You may be one of the Rudras or some other great god. May be Lord Shiva himself. I am also very thirsty and permit me to drink the water of your lake." The Yaksha said,"answer my questions first, only then can I allow you to drink its water." Yudhisthira said, "Please ask your questions."

Yudhishthira answers Yaksha's questions

Yaksha asked: Who helps the sun to ascend (rise)? Who moves around it? Who sets the sun? Where is the sun established? 
Yudhisthira replied: Brahma 'ascends' the sun. The deities moves around it. 'Dharm' (righteousness, virtuosity) 'sets' it and it is established in the 'truth' (Satya). 

Yaksha asked: How does a man become 'Shrotriya' (One who studied the vedas)? How does he attain greatness? Who is man's second companion? How does a man become intelligent? 
Yudhisthira replied: The study of the Vedas makes a man 'Shrotriya'. He attains greatness be penance. 'Patience' is his second companion. Servitude towards old-people makes him intelligent. 

Yaksha asked: What is 'divinity' in the brahmins? What is the quality like a virtuous person in him? What is his human-like quality? What is the conduct like a non-virtuous person in him? 
Yudhisthira replied: The self-study of the Vedas is the divinity in the brahmin. Penance is the quality like a virtuous person in him. Death is human like. Condeming others is his conduct like a non-virtuous person. 

Yaksha asked: What is the divinity in a Kshatriya? What is the quality like a virtuous person in him? What is his human like quality? What is the conduct like a non-virtuous person in him? 
Yudhisthira replied: The art of archery is the divinity is a Kshatriya. Oblation is his quality like a virtuous person in him, Fear is his human like quality. Abandoning people who have sought his refuge is his conduct like a non-virtuous person in him. 

Yaksha asked: What is that object which is like a song in the performance of oblations (Yagya)? Who is the performer of religious rites during oblations? What is that object which accepts oblation? What is that which even (Yagya) can not transgress? 
Yudhisthira replied: 'Breath' (Life) is like a song in the performance of oblation (Yagya). 'Mind' is the performer of religious rites during oblations. Only aphorism of the Veda (richa) accepts oblation. It is richa which even oblation can not transgress. 

Yaksha asked: What is the most important thing for a person engaged in agriculture? What is the best thing for a person wanting to 'Sow'? What is best for an honourable prosperous man? What is best for a person having desire of an off spring? 
Yudhisthira replied:'Rain' is the most important thing for a person engaged in agriculture 'Seed' is the best thing for 'Sowing' collection of cows and their nurture is best for an honourable prosperous man. 'Son' is best for a person having desire of an off spring. 

Yaksha asked: Who is not alive inspite of being intelligent, honourable among the people, respected by men, who even enjoys the sensual pleasures and breaths? 
Yudhisthira replied: A person who does not turture the deities, guests, relatives who are dependent on him, dead ancestors and his soul is not alive inspite of breathing. 

Yaksha asked: What is heavier than the earth? What is higher even than the Sky? What is faster even than the wind? What are innumerable than the straws? 
Yudhisthira replied: The honour of the matter is heavier than the earth. 'Father' is higher than he sky. The mind is faster than the wind. Worries are innumerable than the straws. 

Yaksha asked: Who helps his eyes open even during his sleep? Who does not make an effort even after taking birth? Who is devoid of a heart? Who increases by force? 
Yudhisthir replied: The fish keeps its eyes open even while sleeping. An egg does not make an effort even after taking birth. The 'stone' is devoid of a heart and the river increases by force. 

Yaksha asked: Who is the friend of a Sojourner? Who is the friend of a house holder? Who is the friend of a sick man? Who is the friend of a man approaching death? 
Yudhisthira replied: A co-traveller is the friend of a Sojourner. Wife is the friend of a householder. Physician is the friend of a sick man. Charity is the friend of a man approaching death. 

Yaksha asked: Who is the guest of all the living beings? What is eternal religion (Sanatan dharm)? What is ambrosia? What is this whole world? 
Yudhisthira replied: Fire is the guest of all the living beings. The indestructible religion is the Sanatan dharm. The Cow's milk is ambrosia. The whole world is ether. 

Yaksha asked: Who moves around alone? Who has a rebirth after his first birth? What is the medicine for cold? What has the greatest area? 
Yudhisthira replied: The Sun moves around alone. The moon has a rebirth after its birth. 'Fire' is the medicine for cold. 'Earth' has the greatest area. 

Yaksha asked: What is the chief place of religion? What is the chief place of fame? What is the chief place heaven? What is the chief place of joy? 
Yudhisthira replied: Efficiency is the chief place of religion. Charity is the place of fame. Truth is the chief place of heaven. The chief place of joy is character. 

Yaksha asked: What is a man's soul? What is his divine companion? What is his means of subsistence? What is his supreme refuge? 
Yudhisthira replied: The son is a man's soul. His divine companion is his wife. Clouds are his means of subsistence. Charity is his supreme refuge. 

Yaksha asked: What is the supreme quality in a man worthy if Thankfulness? What is the supreme wealth among all the wealth? What is the chief gain among all the gains? What is the supreme joy among all the joys? 
Yudhisthira replied: Efficiency is the supreme quality in a man worthy of thankfulness. The knowledge of the scripture is the supreme wealth among all the wealth. Good health is the chief gain among all the gains. Contentment is the supreme joy among all the joys. 

Yaksha asked: what is the best religion in this world? Which is the religon that gives eternal fruits? What is the thing, which is controlled, keeps away a man from sorrow? Friendship with whom is indestructible? 
Yudhisthira replied: Compassion is the best religion in this world. Vedic religion gives eternal fruits. Control of mind keeps away a man from sorrow. Friendship with a virtuous man is indestructible. 

Yaksha asked: What is the thing which after abandoning a man becomes dear? What is the thing, which after abandoning a man does not become sorrowful? What is the thing after abandoning which a man becomes wealthy? What is the thing after abandoning which a man becomes joyous? 
Yudhisthira replied: A man becomes dear after abandoning arrogance. After abandoning anger a man does not become sorrowful, After abandoning lust he becomes wealthy. After abandoning greed a man becomes joyous. 

Yaksha asked: Why is charity made to the brahmin? Why are donations made to the dancers and acrobats? What is the reason behind donation being given to the servants? Why are presentation made to the kings? 
Yudhisthira replied: Charity is made to a brahmin for the sake of religion. Donations are made to the acrobats and dancers to achieve fame. Donations are made to the servants for their nurturement Presentations are made to the kings out of fear. 

Yaksha asked: What is this world covered by? What makes it invisible? For whom does a man abandons his friend? What prohibits a man from going to the heaven? 
Yudhisthira replied: This world is covered by ignorance. It is invisible because of the dark qualities. A man abandons his friend because of greed. Attachment prohibits a man from going to the heaven. 

Yaksha asked: When is a man called like a dead man? How does a nation die? How does a 'Shraddh' become dead? How does 'Yagya' (oblation) destroy? 
Yudhisthira replied: A man stricken by poverty is like a dead man. A nation becomes dead without a king. A 'Shraddh' is dead without a 'Shrotriya brahmin'. A 'Yagya' gets destroyed if alms are not given. 

Yaksha asked: What is directon? What is water? What is foodgrain? What is poison? What is the time for performing Shraddh? Tell me the answers and only after that you can drink the water. 
Yudhisthira replied: The virtuous man is the direction. Sky is the water. Earth is the food grains. Lust is the poison. Brahmin is the 'time' for the performance of Shraddh. 

Yaksha asked: What are the signs of penance? What is 'dama' (restraint)? What is supreme forgiveness? What is prudency? 
Yudhisthira replied: Remaining alert in one's own religion is penance. Subjugation of mind is called 'dama'. Bearing heat and cold is forgiveness. Keeping oneself away from works, which are not worth doing, is prudency. 

Yaksha asked: What is knowledge? What is evenness? What is supreme compassion? What is simplicity? 
Yudhisthira replied: The realization of the element of supreme self is knowledge. The pacification of the mind is eveness welfare is supreme compassion. Having evenness of mind is simplicity. 

Yaksha asked: Who is the most invincible enemy of a man? What is an eternal malady? Who can be considered as a saint? Who is immoral and unrighteous? 
Yudhisthira replied: Anger is the most invincible enemy of a man. One who has a sense of benefaction and does welfare to all the living creatures could be considered as a saint. A cruel man is unrighteous. 

Yaksha asked: What is attachment? What is arrogance? What is Laziness? What is sorrow? 
Yudhisthira replied: Ignorance of righteousness is attachment. Self proudiness is arrogance. Inability to follow the religion is laziness. Ignorance is sorrow. 

Yaksha asked: What is 'stability' according to the sages? What is patience? What is the 'supreme-bath'? What is charity? 
Yudhisthira replied: Remaining steady in one's own religion is stability. Control of sense organs is Patience. Relinquishing mental filth is supreme bath. Protection of the living beings is charity. 

Yaksha asked: Who should be called a scholar? Who is an atheist? Who is a fool? What is desire (Kaam)? What is jealousy? 
Yudhisthira replied: One who has the knowledge of religion should be called a scholar. Fools are atheists and atheists only are fools. The causes behind birth death and the word are desires. The envy of heart is jealousy. 

Yaksha asked: What is egotism? What is proud? What is eternal destiny? What is backbiting? 
Yudhisthira replied: The 'great-ignorance' egotism. Trying to prove onceself a virtuous person deceitfully is proud. The fruits of charities are eternal destiny. Putting blame on others is backbiting. 

Yaksha asked: Religion, wealth and desire are mutually contradictory. How are these eternal-contradictory labours united at one place? 
Yudhisthira replied: When religion and wife are not in opposition to each other and also are under the control of a man. Then religion, wealth and desire " these three contradictory labours are naturally united at one place. 

Yaksha asked: Who attains to undiminishing hell? 
Yudhisthira replied: A man who calls a poor brahmin for giving alms then changes his mind and does not give alms, goes to undiminishing hell. A man who keeps a 'false-intelligence' (disbelief) in the vedas, sacred scriptures, brahmins deities and the religion of his forefathers, goes to undiminishing hell. A man attains to undiminishing hell who inspite of having wealth does not make charity or himself does not enjoy it. 

Yaksha asked: Among the four things " descent (clan) conduct, Self-study and listening to the scriptures, what proves brahmin? 
Yudhisthira replied: Descent is not the cause for being a brahmin, neither self study nor listening to the scriptures proves brahminism. Undoubtedly only conduct proves brahminism. 

Yaksha asked: What does a man who talks sweetly, gets? What does a manw ho does his work after great deliberation gets? What does a man with numerous friends get? What does a religious man gets? 
Yudhisthira replied: A man who talks sweetly is dear to everybody. A man who does his work after great deliberation normally achieves success. A man who has numerous friends lives comfortably. A religious man attains to heavenly abode. 

Yaksha asked: Who enjoys happiness contentment and tranquillity? What is wonder? What is 'path'? What is conversation? 
Yudhisthira replied: Happiness: A man who is not burdened by debts enjoys happiness contentment and tranquillity. Even if he eats cheap foods after five or six days he remains happy contented and tranquill. WONDER: Everyday people are going to the abode of 'Yama' (dying), but the remaining people still have desire to live. This is the greatest wonder. PATH: Following the way shown by great people is path, because one does not reach anywhere by logic and debate. Also because there are many 'Shrutis', numerous opinions of sages and the element of religion being engulfed. CONVERSATON: The lord of death by stirring with a big spoon (months & seasons) in the stew pan which is like the great attachment and churning it by the fire (Sun), in the fuel (day & night), is conversation. 

Yaksha asked: Who is a 'Man'? Who is the wealthiest man? 
Yudhisthira replied: A person is worthy of being called a 'Man'. Whose fame of virtuous deeds remains intact till it's echo touches the heaven and earth. A man who remains 'even' in every situations i.e. fortune " misfortune, joys-sorrows, past, future, is the wealthiest man. A man who does not worry about his past, present and future " always remains happy and in union with the almighty, is the lord of all the wealthy men. The Yaksha asked eighteen questions on ethics, truth and dharma. Yudhisthira gave appropriate answers to all the questions. Now he was very pleased with Yudhisthira. On the request of Yudhisthira, the Yaksha said, I am Dharma your father, I wanted to see you. I stole the 'arani' of the brahmin. Saying this he turned into his resplendent form. Yudhisthira prostrated himself at the feet of his father. Dharma restored all the Pandavas to life. He also gave a boon to Yudhisthira that, the Pandavas would not be found during their thirteenth year of exile, as he was shielded by dharma. 
All the Pandavas received the blessings of Dharma. Then Dharma departed.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

A Weekend Away

Firstly let me apologise for not posting anything for  a little over a week now. I am meaning to post something up here at least twice a week but sometimes I just don't get the time. Last week was such a week.
Anyway I was away last weekend at a Hare krishna Eco Farm in Hungary to celebrate my spiritual masters birthday ( next post will be more about that). Thought while I had a few moments I would put up some video footage of a truly special weekend of chanting, dancing and celebration.

and see down at the bottom of the page for some youtube footage.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Unwanted Things

It always amazes me, how after all these years as a monk trying to become devoted to Krishna that I still manage to see the fault in others quicker than within myself. After all, a monks life is one of introspection and contemplation, always trying to strip ourselves of pride and prejudice (not the book). Yet still I find it easier to point the finger, ignoring the 3 pointing back.
Each of us has unwanted qualities or in Vedic terminology 'anartha's'. These anartha's are material habits that are buried deep within our hearts and psyche , that hinder and sometimes derail our spiritual progress.
We have a beautiful seed of Bhakti (love and devotion) planted within our soul, that with care and attention can blossom, yet along with this creeper of devotion so many weeds have been cultivated due to past misdeeds and materialistic tendencies. How hard it seems to uproot these weeds that threaten our progress towards real spiritual realization.   How difficult it seems to look within ourselves and see the bad, the rubbish, the clutter that we want to throw out. Yet this is what we must do to truly make progress on any path of devotion. Not that we beat our selves up ' ohh I'm such a bad person etc etc', no, we see the unwanted and we deal with it, understand it and get rid of it. Yes we may see some qualities within ourselves that we don't like but we should not be afraid to confront them, we cannot bury them deep in our hearts or run away from ourselves forever.

Sounds positive

So why is it so hard?? 

Well it is hard to confront lifetimes of conditioning, sometimes daunting. Still I know that I am making progress and I should continue on. Fortune favours the brave as they say. There are so many positive things to see while I look deep within for the unwanted, I gaze on in amazement at all of the good qualities that I have developed due to Krishna Consciousness, due to this process of Bhakti Yoga. I find as I deal with my Bad qualities, or anartha's, that my appreciation for others increases, I convey my feelings better than before and my sense of pride and false ego is diminishing, I'm actually able to have emotional relationships ( yes I'm a man and I know we're not meant to be able to have those). In short as we mature in our devotion we become better people, more rounded individuals, another great by product of the quest for enlightenment. 
So, searching for and disposing of our anartha's all of a sudden doesn't seem like such a bad thing and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to stop pointing that finger (Katie).

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Global Dimming

Check this out.

It really highlights the result of greed and the unending desire to enjoy by exploiting nature.
Krishna highlighted this propensity for uncontrolled sense gratification  5000 years ago in the 16th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. (you'll have to read it).
It definitely seems that time is running out. We have to change now and start taking care of Mother Earth.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Swansea's First Holy Name Day

Experience of chanting was the first thing that got me interested in the process of Bhakti Yoga and now this form of meditation strengthens my resolve on the devotional path. There are lots of different ways to meditate,  I find chanting the easiest and most enjoyable. Of the 3 primary forms of chanting (manah nama, japa and kirtan) kirtan is by far the most enlivening and engrossing. Kirtan is a group form of mantra meditation involving singing the mantra's given by the group leader, along with musical instruments.

On Sunday ISKCON Swansea held it's  first every all day kirtan session.
Now, I was thinking of just writing on overview of the day and how nicely it was arranged by a fellow monk, Danda Krt Prabhu, but then I thought it would be much more interesting if I chronicled some of my internal experiences whilst chanting throughout the day. I've decided the clearest way of doing this is to go through each Kirtan to show the progression of consciousness and the nature of our/my impetuous mind.

The starts always easy no fidgeting just getting into the chanting its a nice melody and I quickly become absorbed, there's a little bit of joking with the other chanters but that just helps us get away from associating with our bodies and start to get into something deeper an internal experience, its over too soon, I was just getting into it.

The body is starting to become uncomfortable, we've been here for an hour now, onto the second kirtan(song). Sitting here I know the mind is going to start any minute now, "you should get up, stretch your legs." it suggests. I disagree and sit upright trying to focus on hearing the chanting, focus on Krishna. the mind has other idea's so much comes up to try and distract me...... holidays, what might happen in the future, what could have happened in the past, what did happen in the past??? football games, Rugby anything and everything. I resist pushing the material away, this time is for the spiritual not the mundane. Then the mind pulls out it's big guns, its serious weapons, ex girlfriends, and the ones that got away. The mind is a predictable thing these days and I'm prepared for this, I look at the devotee's, see their absorption and become buoyed by their association. I push through, the mind retreats (for now) and the kirtan becomes sweet again. Gopinatha ramps up the pace at the right time and we all start to experience a higher pleasure, past the material into an internal universe of transcendental pleasure waiting to be enjoyed.....ooohhh the minds trick, I'm not ultimately here to enjoy the chanting but become absorbed in a prayer to Krishna (the supreme personality of Godhead), that I can come to love Him again, be with him again, serve Him.
I quickly remind my self enjoying the chanting is a natural by product, NOT the motive or the goal. I re-focus ready for the next kirtan unfortunately I'm leading next.

Now leading a kirtan for a group and chanting as part of the group are very different.
Sometimes when I lead I can become more absorbed and chant with a deeper desire to be free of my material conditioning and increase in my devotion to become krishna's devotee. 
Recently though something has been getting in the way.
I would normally chant with my eyes closed, praying that Krishna's names can flow through me and into the ears of the other chanters, to inspire them to become more devout spiritual practitioners, to help them become more absorbed and ultimately that my chanting is pleasing to the devotee's and Krishna. Only opening them to look at the deity or devotee's for encouragement. About a month ago a friend informed that while I thought my eyes were closed they weren't, in fact they just went white as they rolled up and it looked quite freaky.
So now I go through the whole kirtan with my eyes open, scared of, well, scaring someone.
This makes it a lot harder to envelop myself in the right mood and this particular time I found my self failing, focusing on what people thought of my singing rather than my own personal prayers and developing the humility needed to lead a 'fired up' session. By the end of my stint I was glad it was over, I had done my duty now I could try and get back into the right frame of mind for the final 2 kirtans.

Ok back into it, It's funny how the mind can seem like an 8 track recorder, so many things going on at the same time. Instead of fighting this I now just flick a switch onto silent.... hearing only the holy names Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. I look at the other devotees, relish their attraction to chanting and it takes me deeper into my own prayers. We've been going for nearly 4 hours now and the mind is finally withdrawing its influence.

Everyone is into it now, all the chanters are smiling and clapping as the day comes to its climax.
The mind's suggestions are now becoming more aggressive, pride and envy rear their ugly heads but thankfully the devout chanters here carry me through with the ecstasy (no, not that type) that they are experiencing. As the kirtan reaches its zenith I try and omit everything from my mind and just hear the mantra, the prayers stop too, just hear the names of krishna and try and let them wash over me, cleanse my soul and leave me enlivened and enriched with renewed vigour to share the blissful nature of Krishna Consciousness with others. 

There's only so many words to describe what chantings like, ultimately each person has to experience it for themselves to truly relate to what I have tried describing a little of. I will undoubtedly talk a lot about the different ways and experiences of chanting in future posts, after all it is the foundation that my devotion to Krishna is based on.