I saw an interesting stastistic this morning that the amount paid out in job seekers benifits by the UK goverment (in other words to those on the dole) was more than the goverment recieves from income tax.
This means that the country is running at a loss.
Now this may not seem like a very spiritual thing to be interested in but it shows that are larger portion of the population is actually more interested in taking from the comunity than giving.
The centre of any sucessfull comunity has to be based on what I would call spiritual communism. Or in other words that the population work together for the goal of spiritual enlightenment. This means that a social structure has to put into place that enables everyone to add something to the living needs of the whole and to the masses spiritual development.
When you have a system like in the UK, that is based in getting your sense gratification in the easiest manner and a benifits system that promotes opting out of the social structure and cheating your way to getting money. It is no wonder that simple comunity based living that resonates with mutual respect, social equality, a high moral compass and a sense of beloning has fast diminshed in Britain.
The Vedic scriptures expertly point the way forward.
The vanasrama system places people in a type of work and social network that suits a persons abilities and temprement at the same time as offering a chance of spiritual realization from a platform from which they can understand.
There are leaders ( Ksatrya's) who's post is to govern with a high moral standard, protect the comunity and sispense punishment for crime. They take guidence from the self realized (brahmins) who live simple, God centered lives and have nothing to do with material wealth or possesions (so they may always remain impartial and therefore not open to bribes and favouritism). They both give guidence to the buisiness men (vaisha's) who employ the working class (sudra's) and provide for the needs of the whole comunity.
Could this system work? YES>
will it work in the current democratic atmosphere? NO>
unfortunately the votes lie with the general population and the overwhelming portion of those are, as seen in the above statistic, happy on the 'rock n roll' . Would they vote for a system that would mean they have to contribute?????
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