On with the daily thought/realization/whatever it is.
Today I was speaking with an old friend who was celebrating his 30th birthday, I've know him since he was 17 and have seen him go through many changes in his life. He's one of these people who have never settled but keep coming back to the same place. In other words he hasn't realized what it is that he wants out of life. Now he's 30 and is starting to worry, he's realizing that he's getting older that he is no longer a young man, times passing and he still "hasn't figured it out".
This I thought is the same for all of us no matter what age we are. If we look around ourselves we can see such a diversity of people all trying to make statements about who we are and what we are about, by the clothes we wear, the music we like, the films we watch, teams we support etc etc. Aren't we all searching for that elusive feeling of lasting peace and happiness, isn't this the real reason that we put labels on ourselves, so that we can finally fit in with someone, be able to relate to some one and have them understand us. Unfortunately no matter how hard we try we are never going to get this from the material world. we can try for lifetimes but we will never feel at home here because as the Bhagavad Gita informs us " we are spirit souls" and the material world is not our home it is not our natural environment. I thought to myself how lucky I am that I have found such a deep path of devotion towards God, then just as quickly I thought I too am getting older am I really taking full advantage of this priceless jewel that is Bhakti (devotional service). I realized that I haven't, I have become far to comfortable in my routine Krishna Consciousness. So I have my friends impending midlife crisis to thank for showing me that life is short and if we really want to make the most of it we have to start right now by making the most of our spiritual nature not our material.
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