'What is he on about?' I hear you say. Well as I sit down to write this the next blog I am faced with the reality that I really need to sleep. I have made over 10 typing mistakes so far and I'm only 3 lines in. I shouldn't really be blogging, who knows what I'll come up with or if it'll make any sense? Blogging on the edge of cohesion.
The body just has too many restrictions sometimes, we want to do something but the material that we have been given just won't let us, most of the time we just make the best use of a bad bargain. How often do we look at our material body and think that? Do David and Victoria Beckham think that they got a bad bargain, or do we? The fact of the matter is that the material body just can't fulfill our desires. Simple case in point, how many people get up and go to the toilet during a movie or do you hold it in for the remainder of the film, suffering whilst trying to enjoy then dashing to the toilet at the end of the feature? A natural function of the body hindering our happiness. As we get older the body wears out we have to spend more and more time maintaining it. We suffer the indignation of our senses not being what they used to be, the eyes grow weaker along with the bladder.... I could go on and on. Needless to say we just have to do the best with what we have, except our karma and focus less on the body and it's limited capabilities and spend more time experiencing things on a deeper less restricted level. The level of spiritual realization, which has no restriction, is unlimited, eternally full of bliss and knowledge (sat-cit-ananda). And when the body won't let us do that? well...on that note I'm off to bed. To recharge my worn down body and mind and hopefully come up with something a little bit more coherent next time.
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