While I've been away traveling the UK selling books on Krishna consciousness for the past 2 weeks I have been noticing some wonderfully beautiful buildings. On the way to Salisbury, in a small village, there is an amazing Tuscan style church. It is a truly amazing building in the middle of no where. The only explanation for such a grandiose building is that at sometime in the past someone with a connection to that village wanted to spend a lot of time and money in establishing a very ornate place of worship in glorification to God. It isn't the only place, there are so many wonderful and gorgeous churches, cathedrals and Abbeys around the country. Some over a 1000 years old some newer and it brings to mind a time when people where willing to dedicate their life's work in praise of the Supreme. Anyone who has seen the Sistine chapel will be struck with wonder by the sheer beauty of Michelangelo's finest achievement. The worry is that in this day and age no one seems to be willing to invest their time, money and skill in a work that will stand as an earthly monument in praise of God. What a shame that in the UK we can invest millions in new shopping malls and cineplex's as monuments to our material greed and need for sense gratification but do not think like these people of our past and enquire how we have glorified Krishna lately?
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