The door to my bedroom has been hanging down. Of the 3 hinges 1 had come off completely. This has meant that to close it I have had to lift it. Last week after over a year I fixed it. It only took 5 minutes??? The door now closes normally, so why am I still lifting it every time that I go to close it. I have to put effort into not lifting it. How easily we can become habituated to things. There are so many things that we become used to doing so much so that they become 2nd nature, we don't think about them. Hanging my door and seeing my automatic need to lift it has reminded me of a valuable jewel that we receive from meditation. Most days I think of my meditation as setting me up for the day or clearing away my material desires. But it is also habituating me to think of Krishna, so that I almost without thinking during the day think of Krishna, it's a natural automatic thing. More seriously it's making me ready to face death, oohhhhh the big D word. Well it's going to happen one day and if I can think of Krishna then, at that most important time. If it's a natural thing to always be thinking of God. Then no more reincarnation for me buddy I'm off. Away from all the rubbish and suffering of the mortal coil, escaped to be with Krishna.
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