What has got me going again could be a bit of a touchy subject. I'm not even sure of my own feelings on it but am going to say something more just to start a debate.
This week a Doctor in the UK has been sentenced to 48 ( I think ) years imprisonment for trying to induce an abortion in his lover by slipping certain pills in her drink which would kill the young fetus but not harm his lover. There where many reasons for the long sentence, which I agree with. One was attempted murder.
Now before I carry on I want to say that what this man did was verry very wrong and I think he deserves a heavier sentence.
To convict him of attempted murder though, because his lover was unaware and did not want to abort the baby, to me suggests that whether abortion is murder or not relies on whether a woman consents to the action. So what if a woman has an abortion without the consent of her husband or partner, can he claim that his unborn child has been murdered???
I don't know
I do know that I think all abortion is wrong and I would class it as murder. for sure the above ruling makes the whole issue a bit more complicated than before.
What do you think
The doctor was actually sentenced to only six years in prison, not 48. The pregnant lady had no idea he was married. Neither did his colleagues. As to whether his actions constitute attempted murder I'm not sure.