Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Past Month

Some of you may have noticed that there has been a severe lack of activity on here recently.
An easy excuse would be that I have been very busy with the new cafe, and for a few weeks this was true. Not so though for the past 3. In truth there have been a lot of things going on recently some of which I will discus on my next blog. To keep what could be a long blog very short there are going to be some big changes in my life and the past few weeks have been taken over, thinking over these changes and possible other ones to make sure that I can continue my quest for Krishna's love and service in the right way and the way which will be most beneficial to my progression. Dum da dum daadummm.
It all sounds very mellow dramatic I know but I just haven't been able to put my mind into this blog or many other things while I've been mulling over these things.
Anyway more on that soon I promise.
This is just a quick post to let you all know I'm still here and to apologize for not keeping up with a regular post recently and to try and explain a little bit why there hasn't been anything.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


So for the past two weeks I have been getting the new Cafe/meditation centre together. With a lot of help from friends we have managed to strip what was there and re-decorate (including moving a wall). When we first got in the place looked like it would need very little work but as we started to sand and remove things the extent of the work became apparent. What we thought was a simple few days job has turned into two weeks of hard work. it seemed that when we started on each wall thinking "oh that looks ok" we would find so much filling to be done some times things had to be replaced totally. The closer we looked and the more work we did in preparation for painting the worse the place looked, but after some hard work by all involved now it is finished and just waiting for furniture.
It seems that this is just like our spiritual practices, at first we think this is easy then the more we look deep into our hearts the more dirt and damage we see that has to be cleaned and repaired. yet with some hard work, determination and help from spiritually advanced friends our hearts can once again become full and pristine with krishna's love. No one expects it to be easy to reverse a lifetime of being brain washed into gross materialism to be easy and yet in a very short time we can taste the love that Krishna is offering us simply by meditating on His names Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Please try it and see.