This unfortunately leads me to the thing I find hardest about spiritual life, to quote the great Mick Jagger " you can't always get want you want".
Some times the idea's I have don't fit with what the boss wants.
The whole process of Bhakti (the art of love and devotion) is that you have no other desire but to please Krishna and the way in which you please krishna is by humbly serving.
which basically means sometimes I can't do what I want but have to do what others want. My independent nature wails in disgust at this thought, the inner rebel wants to cut loose like the proverbial bull in a china shop. just like learning to do anything we have to be submissive, so it is in spiritual life. If I want to learn how to love Krishna then I must surrender to the guidance of people who do.
Yes you can't always get what you want, "but sometimes, you might find, you get what you need" good old Mick