2. Search for a replacement set.
3. Gadget geek in me decides to go online.
4. Decide to look for some wireless headphones (do they even exist?) Geeking out big time
5. Much to my surprise I find some wireless headphones here.
6. Become attached, dammit........
7. Mind informs me that I have to have them.
8. Mind again tells me a day later that I really don't know how I possibly ever conceived of listening to any thing at all with out these headphones. I need them.
9. Cue 3 days of mind fighting with intelligence.
10. They're just headphones for goodness sake!!!!!!!
11. Going cold turkey, need to see them, to touch them........my preciouuusssss.
12. Muhmuhmuh muhmuh, I think I need to chant.
13. I AM A MONK AND WILL NOT GIVE IN TO MY MATERIAL DESIRES (especially not headphones)
14. Maybe Santa will bring me a set for Christmas.